Sunday, July 02, 2006

Picnic at the Atlantic Ocean~

Our day at the beach - Finally the sun is out and we can go to the beach~

Picnic time!! But our food is not really picnic sia. In fact it looks kinda pertatic.. only chips and potato sandwhiches. haha...

In fact our lunch looks more picnic-ish... see how poor we are. even have to eat sandwhiches for lunch... hmm... is this a sign to cut dwn on our shopping?

See, ting and i still have to fight for one sandwhich. haha~

Attack of the seagulls

Look at the irritating seagulls. Everytime we take our food out, they come flocking dwn on us, wanting to attack our food. Now, who said seagulls were "high class" birds? they are even worse than the crows back home!! At least crows wun attack our food!! Blehs

Sun, Sea and Sand

Stepping foot into the Atlantic Ocean~ hohoho

Playing in the sea... haha we look like little girls sia... I miss East Coast Park~ sobz..

Haha, dun think that these are pretty looking sea shells. They are actually little shell creatures~ The entire shore is filled with them~ haha...

Artists at work... drawing on the sand....

Our masterpieces!! Great job gers~ hahaa

Three happy gers, happy with our masterpieces~

Leaving behind our footprints on the beach... hehe... wonderful wonderful day~


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