Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Mr Polar Bear~

Mr PoLar BeAr, aka Ian!!!! haha.. issn't he kawaii?? Yao yi kou! hoho here's the story of how he got the name polar bear:

I was freaking cold after being out in the cold cleaning rides the whole day, and was complaining that i'm cold (as usual)....

Polar bear (PB) : Why are your hands are so cold?
Me: Cos i'm cold!!!
PB: *touches my hand* But my hands are hot...
Me: *shocked* HUH?!?! but it's so cold outside how can ur hands be so warm?!?!
PB: Dunno? Cos i'm polar bear wad...

yups. so there you have it. Frm tt day onwards he was my polar bear!! haha so amusing rite? and so me lor, to give ppl weird nicknames.

See... He looks like a polar bear rite? Esp in his polar bear costume.. hohoho~ he's so cute tt we decided to delicate one blog entry to him sia. Polar Bear, this is for you!! Stay cute okie? hees =P

And he's so damn vain!! always taking photos of himself and posing for photos. VAIN polar bear!! but he's so bully-able!! haha... i jus love squeezing his face and pincing his cheeks!! haha sounds like playing wif a soft toy ehs? opps... think i bully him alot~ but it's cos he's so damn cute!! haha...


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