Wednesday, May 17, 2006

qian's bdae!

it's my birthday today! sounds funny that i'm announcing this myself. haha~

my morey's piers kakis charged into our room and gave me a "surprise". abit predictable kind of surprise tho, but very very sweet of them still. 好感动, 好感动~~~~

see what they prepared for me:

1) Sara-Lee cheesecake from SuperFresh chosen by ting, with my name on it. shaun messed up my name tho. haha~

2) scrambled eggs by shaun, very very nice! no wonder he always use scrambled eggs to please girls. haha~ ham by shi, very salty though. but aiya, EVERYTHING in the States is extremely salty lorz. hehz~

3) häagen-dazs blueberry cheesecake ice cream scooped by shi (very nice! US$2.50/pint only lor!), strawberries and chocolate marshmallow cookies by greg. damn sweet, so much of sugar. but again, EVERYTHING in the States is extremely sweet.

kisses for the birthday girl! hee~

group photo! this is the people i have been hanging around with for the past week. we went almost everywhere together man. our fate started at the bus terminal in new york on the 1st day we arrived at the States, those guys helped us carried our luggage up the bus. hoho~

anyways, we worked from 1230-9pm today lorz. that is why everybody looked so tired in the photos. still managed to spend a nice birthday though, far from home but still nice.

hope my 22nd year in life would be an even better one! =)


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