Saturday, August 05, 2006

Last days in Adventure Pier...

The last 2 mths jus flew past like a snap of the finger. guess this is wad happens when one is enjoying... the last few days in AP were really a pain. the pain of knowing that very soon we have to leave all our beloved friends... and the fact that we may not even meet some of them ever again.... *sobs* miss them so so much!!!

The early days, when our pier wasn't open yet... Everyday all we do is clean clean clean, wipe wipe wipe and sweep sweep sweep. +_+
Our favourite gathering place - send out!! Everytime we have a break, we will be here slacking or fooling around. and not to forget, Taking pictures!! hehe..

Taking the Great White for the last time... Really miss working up there. the "all clear, dispatch". Although working up there can be really tiring, the company is great! Miss the whole GW crew~

July 9th

This was our last day of work. so our dear management orgainised a little farewell party for all of the Singaporeans. It was kinda a potluck. all of us brought food and shared... there was even a little scavenger hunt... tt was really fun~

Preparing the food at home. Dun worry, we washed our hands. =P

Some of the stuff we prepared... Look at the amount of vermicelli... hohoho

A look at the amount of food we had!! Say ahhhh.... yum yum~

One of the items on the scavenger hunt was the shark at the GW. and we really removed it!! See how huge it is?!? BUT, at the end of the day, we had to put it back... look at the amount of people needed to move it!! Thanks guys~

Concentrating on tellying the scores... erms, calculator pls?

Really really miss those days working at AP and all the people we worked with. All the fun and laughter we shared.. fooling around, chatting, playing, eating and of cos sweeping. haha who can forget sweeping the pier?

Our last words to the ppl we love....

To Eli "701": Sorry for all the "trouble" we caused.. haha... thanks for granting all our off requests, you have been the best boss ever! Hope Mexico wins the next World Cup!!!

To Cindy "702": Thanks for being the only sane one at AP. without you our pier will be in total chaos. haha.... and of cos, miss you calling us "honey" "sweety" and "chicky"!!

To Ellen "66": Won't forget the times we joined forces to bully Brian and Tom~ Your laughter never fails to brighten the day. Stay the cheerful self you are...

To Brian "61": I miss your hugs~ and your "wat" and "huh"s haha... miss the times we jus "wat" everytime we see each other. haha kinda hostile, but we know we love each other~

To Tom "59": Still remember the first day you came to our pier. You were so unfriendly! but it didn take long for you to show your true crappy self. We will always remember your tight shorts and retro sunglasses haha.. and of cos, sending me for dumpster duty?!?!

To Pato: Our dearest pato, you are the nicest and sweetest guy we ever met!! I'm serious. Miss the times we spent on the White. You and ur fav spot, always wanting us to let u stay there and refusing to dispatch. Not to forget ur "let me do it, let me do it", "dun worry", "are you sure?" haha.. and of cos when u and i were at the Snake Slide, "wait a second", "hey buddy", "hey sweety". and at the Inverter, praying that no one comes so we can continue to skive and sit in the car~ muahahaha... OMG~ miss you so much!!!

To Renato: Mr Frenchman, guess i'm the only one who has worked with you ehs? hee... miss the times when we were at the Inverter. Always blaming each other every time the Inverter breaks down and telling each other not to look at gers/guys. Come on, i DO NOT look at guys k, you are the one always looking at gers!!! hahaha... and of cos, me teaching you chinese and you trying to teach me spanish.. haha ok, i admit i'm a lousy student k? Miss you so much~

To Anastas: Meow~ Thanks for coming to NY to visit us. Sry it was a rather rush trip for you cos most of the time we were running abt. hehe.. Miss your meowing voice at the white. How we always look at each other across the platform and go "meow" at the same time... haha

To Tom: Really wish that you could have came earlier. But the last two weeks on the white were really fun with you around. Miss the times we always teased you cos all the gers always went "Tom this, Tom that" hahaha... Sry for snatching your bag the other time. That stunned face was really cute though. =)

To the Trouble Gang: It was really nice knowing you gers. All the gossiping sessions at home shall remain within ourselves okie? haha.. Miss Sam's auntie-ness and always asking us to stay in our own yellow boxes. Argh~ Cynthia's sudden bust of lame jokes and the way she describes her horses at the carrousel. Yihui's cuteness and her "mummy~". Pam's whines, esp when she's with a specific someone. haha... Gers, we are the best GW crew!!!

To the rest of the ppl in Mag 1: We love you guys too!!

Our dear lifeguards, although u only come over once in a while, you are still part of the AP family. Greg, thanks for helping us wif our luggage on the first day and putting up wif my whining... and not forgetting, the 10 hr drive to Niagara Falls. You are good! Shaun, thanks for the meals... and sry i always steal your cereal and cookie... You better love cookie deep deep hor! Ian, you are forever our cutest polarbear!! sry we like to bully u alot.. but u've got ur fair share of revenge too rite? will always remember u taping me up... blehs =P Mugant, we forgive you for abandoning us for the lifeguards. Hope you are jealous of the fun we had. haha...

Weifen, you are the best mummy! Will always remember the way u always nag at me for not doing this and that... and reminding us to bring this bring that...

Yilin and alvin, Alvin pls take care of Yilin. dun let her get anymore blueblacks liao k? Jiawei, take gd care of my baby and dun bully her k? if not, you will be so dead... hehe. Nini and Paul, guess you guys are the most sane couple. haha... Paul pls drive wif care and dun let Nini worry ok? Stay happy and loving~

Kevin and Tommy, thanks for always being the photographers on our trips. Kevin, treat RJ and Vernie well k? dun throw them around lar. hee

Merry and Alwin, hope you guys do not dream of "always a winner, always a prize" haha.. and Alwin, stop suaning me everytime u see me... blehs =P

The admissions ppl, we love you too! though we dun really work together, we are all one big family at mag 1. Sherin and Joy, miss the times we always met at the break area and started checking out each others' food. haha...

Andrew and Shiwei, thanks for always letting us try ur cooking! haha, you guys can really cook~ and of cos thanks for giving us tips and lending us ur maps for our Niagara trip.

Memories of each and every one of you will always remain in our hearts. No matter where you may be and wadever you are doing, we miss you guys and we love you~


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