Thursday, May 25, 2006

stocking up for war

u wont believe how much food we bought from superfresh...

here's more in the drawer, all arranged nicely by the tidiness-conscious ting...

there's more in the pantry and fridge lor, really machiam like stocking up for war.

we have decided to suppress further urges to buy biscuits whenever we do grocery shopping, we've bought wayyyy too much biscuits man. haha~

and tis is our latest find!

lay's hot and spicy chips, 2 for US$3! it's veri shiok lorz, realli spicy. i mean realli spicy. it's so spicy it tastes like home. haha~

oh and in case u'r wondering, we havent ate krispy kreme nor visited walmart. krispy kreme was nowhere to be seen in the places we've visited, and there is simply no walmart nearby. sianz~

on a completely irrelevant note, look how tanned my feet are...

dozens of people have asked me (in shock), "wah! why your feet so dirty???" -_-

it's not dirty, it's juz "chao-da". tanned. i scrubbed my feet very hard every night but it's still look that dirty, therefore it is definitely tanned and not dirty.

see the 2 different colours on my feet? that is because i wore slippers to work, my canvas shoes hurt too much to be worn everyday.

understand why i dont like to get tanned now?? hehz~


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