Wednesday, September 27, 2006

New York Pass - Day 2 (Part 2)

Third stop: Lincoln Center

Esplanade's counterpart in the West. Ha. The Lincoln Center is a performing arts center that showcases opera, ballet, theatre and etc. It's really a very beautiful place, especially the main entrance to the concert halls. Too bad, no photography allowed.

The Metropolitan Opera House was under renovation when we were there. Not too sure whether the renovations are done. Although I never heard of this before, as far as I know this is a world-renowed opera house.

Group photo after the tour!

Fourth stop: CNN

We didn't go for the CNN tour actually cos by the time we got there, the last tour had already finished. Sad lorz. But the CNN tour will probably be about the same as the NBC tour.

Qian and Anastas were somewhere busy taking pictures so me and Shi were terribly bored while waiting for them. We then decided to take pictures of ourselves too. Haha.

Being the ever-so-friendly american, there was this lady who insisted on helping us with photo taking. Haha, hence ta-dah..the following photo.

Last stop: Empire State Building (again!)

Why are we going back to Empire again?? 3 reasons. 1) We heard from Andrew & co that the night view is fantastic. 2) This is the only place that we could visit at night using our new york pass. 3) Being accountants, cannot lu-gee. Must maximise the use of the new york pass. Wahahaha.

The night view is really awesome. But all our amateur cameras can't really capture the scenery well. Oh, and the world is sooo small that we actually met Fang Fang, Xinting and Fabio at Empire!! We were so excited when we saw each other and go ahhhing and ohhing.

Final stop: Home

The 4 of us were so damn tired after 2 hectic days of sight-seeing that we decided to end the day off early and go back to our hotel to play Monopoly. Hehe. Shi bought a set of monopoly there. Its the 70th anniversary limited edition and it was ultra duper cheap!

Later in the night, we went to Port Authority Terminal to send Anastas off. I wondered if he had really enjoyed himself these 2 days. I hope he did.

Monday, September 25, 2006

New York Pass - Day 2(Part 1)

I'm back with Day 2!

Day 2: Central Park Zoo + Madison Square Garden + Lincoln Centre + Empire State (again!)

First stop: Central Park Zoo

It's damn pai seh when we reached Central Park cos we could not find the entrance to the zoo. So we asked a passer-by and the entrance is like just there. Kok-eye.

Look as if only Shi and Anastas went to the zoo. Hmm I also dunno why Shi always got misleading photos. Haha.

Some cuties:

Polar bears again! This featured polar very cute de. For the past half an hour (i think) that we spent staring at it, it just did the same things repeatedly. It swam to and fro the same place again and again! Damn cute lahz!

A tranquil spot.

I must explain this. We went to Macy's to shop before we went to the Zoo. That's a bad choice anyway. Who carry shopping bags to a zoo?! Us.

We were not eating shit. Wahahaha. These almost-melted chocolates were proudly sponsored by Qian. Totally amused by the appearance.

Then, we went over to the children zoo. And, it welcomed us.

Qian and Shi having fun with the very dao goat.

How could we leave the zoo without some poser photos?? Haha.

Anyway the Central Park Zoo is very small. We finished it in no time. A matter-of-fact - our mandai zoo is really world-class.

Second stop: Madison Square Garden

This is not a garden! Haha. It's 'The World's Most Famous Arena" k! The home for New York Knicks, NY Liberty and NY Rangers. I think this has always been the ONE place that me and Shi must visit. Shi loves watching bball matches whereas I like boxing rings. Heh. I am eager to visit MSQ especially after I watched 'Cinderella Man'.

This is the famous bball court. But this is also the place where they will house the boxing ring. So sad. Can't see the boxing ring that day.

This is their theatre which also holds numerous concerts. It was only days away from Madonna's concert at that time of our visit.

The players' bar. Oh, nobody using it that day. If not, I don't think we are even allowed to step in there.

There's also a mini bball court inside the bar which the players can use it for practice.

The locker rooms for the bball teams!! The doors of the rooms are customed made to be higher because the players are so tall. So cool har. Yer, the tour din show us the normal locker rooms. You know that kind the boxers always use?? Haa.

This is the locker room for NY Rangers, coupled with a friendly tour guide.

The tour includes access to the club suites. As in the very expensive seats. Oh and these rich audience can enjoy private restrooms. Actually apart from the private restrooms, I don't know why these seats are suites. They are not even the first row seats.

I googled for MSQ and it is quite happening nowadays, with events such as Eric Clapton's concert, Championship Boxing (!!!), So you think you can dance, James Blunt's concert and etc.

Part 2 coming up! :P

Sunday, September 24, 2006


I'm back with the backs~ hmms sounds funny but you noe wad i mean. haven't been blogging here for a while. dun think i'm lost hors... at least i still tag... haha... jus that i'm too busy wif work. Sians... anyways, wun complain here... dwn to proper stuff:

Flipping through all our photos in the States, realised that we have freaking ALOT of pictures that contains nothing but people's backs... Mainly of cos belongs to Ting and myself. cos the person responsible for majority of these photos is none other then my darling qian. haha... and if there are any pics of her back view, its either she asked us to take them or we took them so that she will stop complaining that nobody takes pics of her back.. hahahaha... see how coorporative ting and i are? (see arrow below and second photo)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Seem her fetish for backs started right in the airport (top right, bottom left)!! and during our early days in wildwoods. still rem her asking me and ting to stand in the middle of the road (top left) so that she can take our backs. weird hors? but somehow ting and i still complied... we are jus cooperative. hahaha

From Wildwoods to Niagara to Phili to Washington and to New York, all our photos will contain pictures of our backs. Alot of ting's i would say... Ting... u purposely stand infront when dar wanna take photos rite? haha... nono, ting will say its cos qian has a crush on her... then they will start fighting and pushing each other... happens all the time man. those two like to "fight". and me? i will pretend i dunno them and slip away. dun wanna get involved cos i wun take sides. very fair of me rite? haha...

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see, ting and more tings... not forgetting the phili post the other time... okok before qian slaps me for making her sound les, she also took photos of other ppl lar...

Jus that we are always together so of cos most of the photos are of ting and myself... hehe.. see towards NY she decided to be fair and started to take more photos of my back... haha...

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My tou qing-ish photos. dunno who in the world took them lor... i wasn't tou qing-ing cans? jus toking. and catching mr lifeguard not looking at the pool. hahaha

Qian's fav photo of the 'weeders'. still rem her luffing like mad when she saw them. seriously, i din think it was really funny lors but cos she was luffing so hard, i couldn't help but luff along.... wahaha... and ting was saying she shouldn luff at other or will have retribution... but she still luffed...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

touching up..

on previous experiences in the states! hee~

niagara - krispy kreme & hollister

see how the lot of us went crazy over krispy kreme & hollister! haha~

cape may - dolphin watching

spot real dolphins frolicking in the atlantic ocean!

fourth of july - fireworks watching @ the great white

turn up the volume to listen to our irritatingly fake american accents and us spouting spanish phrases. LoL~

times square!

see how awestruck we were at times square's beauty? hehe~

baskin robbins

i was looking thru last year's brisbane photos when i found the baskin robbins ice cream shop..

so pretty right? extremely unlike the small shabby baskin robbins counters found in atlantic city and nyc lehz. more varieties also, 31 flavours - 1 for each day of the month!

cold stone

this is how the cold stone ice cream is made in brisbane..

about the same as the one in nyc, but less soft. there's no recipes to choose from in brisbane though, just choose ice cream flavour and mix-in.

their uniform is of a different colour also. ice cream boys are cuter too. muahahaha~

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

zen & pato

hello, im back! guest appearance while ting takes a break. hee~

there are sooooo many photos of zen & pato in nyc lahz, my goodness. see:

zen & pato @ times square.

zen & pato @ liberty.

@ central park.

zen & pato on the streets.


them commuting.

zen & pato.. ermz.. resting.

okay before zen slaps me, let me clarify that they didnt do anything scandalous. not that i know of, at least. haha~

no wonder people in Adventure Pier thought they're an item. ooohhhhh~~