Sunday, September 24, 2006


I'm back with the backs~ hmms sounds funny but you noe wad i mean. haven't been blogging here for a while. dun think i'm lost hors... at least i still tag... haha... jus that i'm too busy wif work. Sians... anyways, wun complain here... dwn to proper stuff:

Flipping through all our photos in the States, realised that we have freaking ALOT of pictures that contains nothing but people's backs... Mainly of cos belongs to Ting and myself. cos the person responsible for majority of these photos is none other then my darling qian. haha... and if there are any pics of her back view, its either she asked us to take them or we took them so that she will stop complaining that nobody takes pics of her back.. hahahaha... see how coorporative ting and i are? (see arrow below and second photo)

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Seem her fetish for backs started right in the airport (top right, bottom left)!! and during our early days in wildwoods. still rem her asking me and ting to stand in the middle of the road (top left) so that she can take our backs. weird hors? but somehow ting and i still complied... we are jus cooperative. hahaha

From Wildwoods to Niagara to Phili to Washington and to New York, all our photos will contain pictures of our backs. Alot of ting's i would say... Ting... u purposely stand infront when dar wanna take photos rite? haha... nono, ting will say its cos qian has a crush on her... then they will start fighting and pushing each other... happens all the time man. those two like to "fight". and me? i will pretend i dunno them and slip away. dun wanna get involved cos i wun take sides. very fair of me rite? haha...

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see, ting and more tings... not forgetting the phili post the other time... okok before qian slaps me for making her sound les, she also took photos of other ppl lar...

Jus that we are always together so of cos most of the photos are of ting and myself... hehe.. see towards NY she decided to be fair and started to take more photos of my back... haha...

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My tou qing-ish photos. dunno who in the world took them lor... i wasn't tou qing-ing cans? jus toking. and catching mr lifeguard not looking at the pool. hahaha

Qian's fav photo of the 'weeders'. still rem her luffing like mad when she saw them. seriously, i din think it was really funny lors but cos she was luffing so hard, i couldn't help but luff along.... wahaha... and ting was saying she shouldn luff at other or will have retribution... but she still luffed...


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