Saturday, October 28, 2006

Home Sweet Home

This was the day that we were going to leave the states. Almost 3 months of stay. Ya, and it definitely struck us with gush of emotions. We slept so little the night before due to the last minute packing and also because, we wanted to get up early to buy krispy kreme back to s'pore. The nearest kk store is the one at amtrak(one of their train stations). We got to walk all the way from our hotel to amtrak and back. It's anything but near.

This was taken from our hotel room's window. One last look before we headed back.

We paid 55usd for a 45mins ride to airport. Talk about cabs being expensive in s'pore. It's nth in comparison. Haha. Shi went to make a call to her parents so left me and qian entertaining ourselves.

Hehe. You look at qian. So happy when she's reading the tabloid magazine. Look at her when i asked her to do sudoku. LOL. So funny!

Another funny qian!

Making our way to the boarding gate. Look at our bags of KK! There were 3 bags, so 9 boxes and thus, 54 donuts -.-"

Time to go in! The baggage checking ang mohs were damn funny. One guy asked us to leave our donuts there and we were like HUH. Then, he said next time we should get more donuts and gave them some for breakfast. Ha.

After a 17 hours long flight, we got to transit at bangkok airport. A 3-hour long wait before the plane back to s'pore. Self-entertain again. Play bridge!

My Tang poems playing cards. People always got very distracted by my playing cards. Haha. They will always start concentrating on reciting the poems rather than playing the game. That's my hand! See how tanned it was at that time. Keke.

Now back to serious work. Very serious work. Deciding who to blog on what. LOL.

Finally, back in s'pore. Shi thrashed all of us with her amount of luggages. haha.

Compare the 3 of us before and after the US trip. Basically there's not much change in us except obviously, we were at least 2 shades darker after the trip.

We miss the big apple!


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