Sunday, August 27, 2006

big apple day 3 - the farewell

the day started on a depressing note, the guys are going back to wildwood and we girls probably wont see them for quite some time. =(

that's us at the bus pick-up place, taking photos with the guys for the last time in nyc.

ting taught pedro how to say thank u in chinese, and he was xiexie-ing pretty well, until we were leaving this chinese eatery after lunch. pedro said swee swee to the lady boss, and was reciprocated by a stare. i guess the lady boss knows hokkien huh? LoL~ so funny~

i gave pato my favourite ring, the one i always wear on my index finger. he was always bugging me to give it to him as a souvenir. trust that u'll treasure it ya, pato? =)

he also gave me a souvenir, and told me, "pls dont forget me, cuz i'll never forget u". awwww~ of cuz i wont forget u!

renato: maybe when i visit u in singapore, u might be married and forgot all abt me. and your husband will be asking, "who is this guy?"
zen: huh?!! when are you gonna visit me? i dont think i'll get married within the next 10 years or so. even if i am, i will make sure my husband gives me freedom to meet up with my friends. so dont worry, i will definitely bring u around sg.
renato: awwww zen, u'r so sweet!~ *hugz*

so cute lahz. i'll slap zen if she got married within 10 years. LoL~

and then they boarded the bus back to new jersey..

and the bus left..


the gang of us created quite a drama at the bus pick-up place, it's as if we were acting out a farewell scene of a soap opera. haha~

when we went back to the hotel later that day, we discovered a pleasant surprise..

more souvenirs! the ecuador t-shirts that the guys have been wearing in the states. washed and dried, dont worry. haha~

there's also a note for us, written in spanish! we had to go down to the lobby and ask the receptionist to translate for us lorz. interesting~

hey darlings, hope u had fun in the states. it's really awesome to tour nyc with u guys, nice nice! school's starting soon, study hard ya? and do visit us in singapore, pato has to come collect his "son". haha~ te quiero mucho! *kisses & hugs* =)


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