Wednesday, August 30, 2006

big apple day 3 - after farewell

let's continue with big apple day 3 after a tiny sidetrack by zen. we girls decided that we needed to cheer up after sadly bidding farewell, so we went little italy for some mood-perking desserts.

(im refraining frm using the word goodby* cuz i think pato said he doesnt like that word cuz it sounds like we'll never meet again. then again, farewell sounds worse. ahhh whatever. haha~)

ordered chocolate cannoli, tiramisu and american cheesecake. in my opinion, they all tasted so-so only, but ting n zen said the tiramisu was fantastic.

then we decided we need more cheering up - shopping!

union square is supposedly a gd place to shop, after 5th avenue.

but we were distracted by the weekend market in the greenwich village area once we exited the subway station..

it's like our pasar malam, but much more high class. they sell more interesting stuffs too, like..

hand-dyed t-shirts, art pieces (we even came across a stall that sells nothing but paintings of naked women),

home-grown organic veggies, home-made jams/bread/cheese (u wont believe the varieties of jam/bread/cheese they have), etc. very interesting~

this stall sells brownies. the yellow note read, "ATTENTION NEW YORKERS: EGGS DO NOT COME FROM COWS! EGGS ARE NOT DAIRY." need me to emphasise new yorkers' intellect further? LoL~

of cuz an avid books-lover like ting must visit barnes & noble booksellers in the greenwich village area. as for me, i asked ting if we can leave after 30 seconds in the bookstore. it's just a library with pricetags wat. hahaha~

after barnes & noble, we finally got down to doing some reaL shopping. so engrossed in splurging that we forgot all about taking photos. haha~

had a few good buys in union square: a little black dress (the one i wore to NBS ball) for US$20 and a forever 21 shirt for US$20 (will cost much more in sg). hee~

saw this on our way back to the hotel..

in fact, it's just round the corner from our hotel. from the guide books, the things inside MoSex seem pretty interesting, but we didnt go in cuz it'll cost about US$20.

the housekeeper in madison hotel is so cute, she'll nicely arrange the plushie cats anastas gave us as parting souvenirs whenever she tidies our room.

cute huh? we were always looking forward to seeing how she arranged the cats whenever we get back to our hotel room, so funny. hehe~

okay i realised none of the photos in this post so far has us in them, so i havE to add this photo in..

that's us in the shirts the darlings gave us, plus meow's plushie cats. i still havent washed the shirt, for fear that the words they wrote on it will be gone after washing. it doesnt stink lahz, i hardly perspire in the hotel.

i love the climate in the states by the way, it's fantastic to not feel humid at all the whole day. hohoho~

so that sums up day 3. nothing much, actually. probably we were too depressed by the darlings' departure to be in the mood for much interesting stuffs. hmmm~

in fact, day 3 is kind of like a blur to me, had a hard time recalling what we did and saw. i cant even remember where we had lunch and dinner that day lorz, if we even ate lunch and dinner. haha~


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