Thursday, June 01, 2006

a typical day at work

walking to our workplace.

i dont know if this applies to everyone here, but my boss is very particular about punctuality. when they say 11am it actually means that we have to be there by 1055am.

the locals call that stretch "the boardwalk". it's basically made up of wooden planks, looks like it's going to give way anytime and protruding nails can often be found on the planks.

police patrol the boardwalk frequently. their police "car" very cute hor? hehe~

cleaning my ride before the pier opens.

that's my ride's control panel and ticket box. the control panel looks complicated and difficult, but it is really simple lah. im like the expert master of that ride already. hoho~

i'll always sit on my ticket box and stone, and last weekend was so slack i nearly became a stone.

was soooo bored i took so much photos of myself. haha~

my ride is situated at a very windy spot, evidenced from photo. no use combing hair lor.

views from various perspectives.

my partner at work.

he is usually in charge of unloading guests, while i do the loading. unloading will get blue-black, that's why i push him to do unloading. muahahaha~

after working here for 3 weeks, i conclude that the people here are dumb lah. they dont even understand simple instructions like "please leave your slippers there".

it is fun to have a partner at work, can talk alot of cok when there's no guests. fight alot too, kills time. haha~

but it is not fun when your partner pao-ed niu at your expense lor.

see, i even have proof! haha~

my dear partner is supposed to takeover me so that i can go for break, but he stopped and chatted up with a friendly bulgarian girl instead. nice~

so that is my typical day at work!


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