Tuesday, May 30, 2006

chef for today!

it's my turn to cook today! the thick fog made my ride unoperational, so my supervisor let me knock off early. and in an effort to prove that i can cook, i offered to prepare potato gratin (that's like one of the few things i know how to cook) as supper for my roomies who still cant knock off. haha~

peel potatoes, peel peel potatoes~~

boil potatoes, boil boil potatoes~~

get ready hotdogs (we have no ham), mozzarella cheese and boiled potatoes.

dump everything together in microwave-friendly tupperware. sprinkle lots of pepper.

microwave under high temperature for 2min and it's ready to eat!

see how they are enjoying my potato gratin?? hee~

hey i prepared all these by myself leh, all within an hour. the main and only chef around. ting was damn impressed by my speed. washed the dishes myself too.

next time stop saying im not helpful when it comes to cooking hor...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Katong Laksa!!!!

OMG~ I super miss Katong Laksa!! How how?? and dear greg must make me more gian by reminding me how near we used to be to katong laksa (we both stay in Katong area) and how far we are from it now... Thanks sia greg~ sobz sobz... and i din even eat it before i came to the states!! sighs =(

OMG~ look at the laksa!!! cockles, fish cake, and prawns!! Yum yum, mouth-watering. and i jus love the gravy!!! looking at it makes me miss home even more. *sniff*

There are many stalls along Katong selling Katong laksa (and i tried every single one of them), but this is my fav stall!! 49 Katong Laksa (its the blue store)!!

This is the stall next to my fav stall. So pls do not confuse them okie? 328 has two outlets... but i still think my blue stall is better... haha... sighs... i wanna go home and eat my katong laksa!!!

i miss food!

like really reallyyyy yummy food. food here sucks big time, not even half as yummy as singapore food lor. maybe it's because of our location, just a small ghost town. and maybe because it's not summer yet.

these are what we are always eating here...

and they are always very salty and oily. cannot make it.

i miss the pork porridge in singapore!!!


and bak chor mee too!!


can someone just airfreight me a bowl of pork porridge and bak chor mee without spring onions?? haha~

also craving for fried carrot cake, char kway teow, chicken rice and laksa!!

maybe the big chefs can whip up these cuisines for me?? LoL~

Washington, D.C. - Part I

Why is this post titled as Part I? Because we are definitely going back to D.C again! It is beautiful! Very arty farty :)

We woke up at 5.45am to prepare to go for the trip (I haven't woke up this early in donkey years). The bus ride is really very long - about 4 hours. But I muz say that the coach is quite comfy, much better than I had expected it to be. Some snapshots of the scenery along the way:

This is taken when the bus was travelling on a bridge across a river.

I like their houses. Kinda reminds me of the movie, Nottinghill.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

This is our first stop and we spent most of our time here too. The whole exhibition is very gloomy because its so cruel. A very solemn place. The Jews really very ke lian. Life's never fair.

A para by Clinton which me and qian like it alot.

This is found inside the Hall of Remembrance. The purpose of the hall is to allow people to reflect and think about the whole holocaust incident. Ya, let me reiterate that this is a very solemn place.

National Air and Space Museum

We are not fanatics of planes, space and engines so we went in and out quite fast. But the building itself is really very impressive. There are a lot of different halls which have a different theme. For instance, there is one which has all the planes that were used in wars and we saw the plane that they used in the Pearl Harbour incident.

Hall 209 (I can still remember the number. Hee) is dedicated to the Wrights brothers. That is the first plane ever to fly. Ya, just a combination of sticks and canvas. Heh. We took pictures with the brothers too.

We found this very interesting! Its actually freeze-dried ice-cream that the astronauts can eat in space.

Bureau of Engraving and Printing

BEP is a guided tour whereby we are taken to the printing room to see how the US money is actually printed! Very shiok right! We can't take any pictures inside though so only got the pictures of the building. Haha. All the money that they printed wrongly are actually shredded and sold in the souvenir shop. Ha. Oh, and qian bought a pack of that. The souvenir shop is also selling those limited edition money, such as those that the serial numbers begin with 168- or 888-. These lucky dollar notes are packed in a very cheena way too. Very funny. The stupid thing is that they don't have the Year of Rat. The height chart you see has a monetary value beside it. Yes, I am the shortest so I am the cheapest. Pui. Btw, I think we are carrying too much stuff on hand in the pictures and that makes us look abit sampat-ish.

US Capitol

Isn't this gorgeous? Especially with the clouds behind it. We had pictures that have us standing in front of the Capitol but they look damn fake, something like copy and paste. How come har. Too bad we are rushing for time that we can't spend too much time there to take a closer look.

Washington Monument

According to shi, this looks like a pencil from far. We can actually go up there but by the time we reached, all the tickets have been given out.

Smithsonian Castle

Super european feel. Even the garden is very shi qing hua yi. Shi's favourite building :D

Department of Agriculture

Shi is very amused by the magnificent building. It is sure huge. We seem to see this building everywhere we walked. Shi was commenting about the size of our very own department of agriculture (I forgot what is it called in SG). Hmm but if we compare the size of the country, I think its pretty much justifiable. Moreover, what do we really grow in SG???

On a general note, D.C cannot be covered in a day. And, some of the places that we went such as BEP and Holocaust museum have to obtain a free pass to see the exhibits. Oh ya, there is like no food there! We survived the whole day on bread and snacks that we brought along. So, we are going back again and, of course, have a proper plan and more food :)

stocking up for war

u wont believe how much food we bought from superfresh...

here's more in the drawer, all arranged nicely by the tidiness-conscious ting...

there's more in the pantry and fridge lor, really machiam like stocking up for war.

we have decided to suppress further urges to buy biscuits whenever we do grocery shopping, we've bought wayyyy too much biscuits man. haha~

and tis is our latest find!

lay's hot and spicy chips, 2 for US$3! it's veri shiok lorz, realli spicy. i mean realli spicy. it's so spicy it tastes like home. haha~

oh and in case u'r wondering, we havent ate krispy kreme nor visited walmart. krispy kreme was nowhere to be seen in the places we've visited, and there is simply no walmart nearby. sianz~

on a completely irrelevant note, look how tanned my feet are...

dozens of people have asked me (in shock), "wah! why your feet so dirty???" -_-

it's not dirty, it's juz "chao-da". tanned. i scrubbed my feet very hard every night but it's still look that dirty, therefore it is definitely tanned and not dirty.

see the 2 different colours on my feet? that is because i wore slippers to work, my canvas shoes hurt too much to be worn everyday.

understand why i dont like to get tanned now?? hehz~

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Mr Polar Bear~

Mr PoLar BeAr, aka Ian!!!! haha.. issn't he kawaii?? Yao yi kou! hoho here's the story of how he got the name polar bear:

I was freaking cold after being out in the cold cleaning rides the whole day, and was complaining that i'm cold (as usual)....

Polar bear (PB) : Why are your hands are so cold?
Me: Cos i'm cold!!!
PB: *touches my hand* But my hands are hot...
Me: *shocked* HUH?!?! but it's so cold outside how can ur hands be so warm?!?!
PB: Dunno? Cos i'm polar bear wad...

yups. so there you have it. Frm tt day onwards he was my polar bear!! haha so amusing rite? and so me lor, to give ppl weird nicknames.

See... He looks like a polar bear rite? Esp in his polar bear costume.. hohoho~ he's so cute tt we decided to delicate one blog entry to him sia. Polar Bear, this is for you!! Stay cute okie? hees =P

And he's so damn vain!! always taking photos of himself and posing for photos. VAIN polar bear!! but he's so bully-able!! haha... i jus love squeezing his face and pincing his cheeks!! haha sounds like playing wif a soft toy ehs? opps... think i bully him alot~ but it's cos he's so damn cute!! haha...

Work! Work! Work!

Heyo! Wondering what have we been doing all the while in the states?

Qian - Sky Ride!

Our queenie's ride is called the sky ride, which is just sky lift, or the luge chair lift in Sentosa lookalike. The chairs will keep on moving and moving and she will have to make sure that the people can get up and off the chairs on time. Oh, she was complaining that she can't lock fat people in. Haha. Please walk on the green zone! Ya, this is her favourite line now.

But we don't always clean and operate our own ride because right now, the amusement park is only open during weekends. So the rest of the time we will clean other stuff. The yellow box thing (bottom right) which qian is cleaning is the fire hose. But they call it spongebob here, for the obvious reason. Cute har.

Shi - Inverter!

Her Inverter inverts. *act funny* Haha. Think there's once her inverter kanna stuck then all the people are hanging inverted in the air. Haha, very funny. I think the most irritating thing about her ride is that people like to wear caps and whatsoever on the ride, then their stuff will drop lor. So she has to call dispatch to get them to pick up the stuff.

Nothing to do so must clean ticket booths -.-

Ting - Shark Bite!

Mine is a kiddie ride. Quite cute. It will bounce up and now, up and down. But this ride is funny lah. Cos if I allow too many erm overweight people on the ride, it wun bounce. Haha. And I can't allow people who are too fat to ride cos the lap bar can't lock them in. -.- Abit mean. Hehe. But you really have to see it yourself before you will believe the number of overweight people here.

The rest of the time...

We will just slack around in the office and take pictures. Wahahaha. The last picture with the cage thing is taken because Ian placed his camera in the locker and that's why we got this special effect. Abit bo liao but really quite funny. Keke.

The peak season is coming. We are going to be busy like siao soon. *shakes head* :P

Friday, May 19, 2006

bought too much groceries?

this is what you do when you bought too much groceries and do not want to hand-carry all of them back home...

u push your groceries home, together with the supermarket trolley. LoL~

we girls just dumped our groceries into the guys' trolley and walked relaxedly behind them. hohoho~

that's the entourage that followed the trolley thieves. yeah alot of people.

this is not a dangerous act, do not worry. it's a ghost town, there are no cars. haha~

finally back home!~

Cooking at Home~

Hoho... we are getting super sick of the extremely salty and sweet stuff in the states... so we decided to cook... or rather... I decided to cook, cos everytime i'm the only one cooking lor... got the nick of "the main chef"~ hehe... opps, getting bhb... but it's not like my cooking is fantastic or anything. cos can't really find all the stuffs i need. like sesame oil, oyster sauce and dark soy suace?? hohoho...

The process of cooking... super tiring... spend like 2 hrs preparing but only for that 45 mins of enjoyment... sighs...

See, we even have to fight with the chicken to get it out... haha and this is where the guys come in... their only contirbution..

Pls look at Ting... there i am cooking for like 8 ppl, and wad is she doing? eating corn dog and posing for picture, if not then sleeping... Sighs... haha... okok wait i should give ting some credit. she helped me more than dar lors. its jus i dunno why all the pictures she's in caught her slacking... hahaha

After all the hard work fighting with the chicken, chopping and frying, this is the outcome!! and the satisfied customers... haha... though seriously, i think i mus still polish up my cooking skills... maybe after these two mths training i will be able to cook better? but NO!! dun ask me to cook for you when i'm home. hahaha =P

Candy Apples...

These stuff reminds me of the saying 'never judge a book by its cover' haha... the candy apples look so pretty rite and nice to eat rite? BUT when u bite it... hoho... its so SUPER sweet and hard... look at all our faces!! haha had a real hard time biting those stuffs. next time u want to hammer someone, use a candy apple. sure concuss wif one hit!!